Archive for February, 2016

I treat men and women the same

Friday, February 12th, 2016

I believe both men and women can be abusers.

If a man says he was a victim of domestic abuse, I believe him.

If a woman says she was a victim of domestic abuse, I believe him.

I believe men can be victims of rape.

If a guy says he has been raped, I believe him.

If a woman says she has been raped, I believe her.

I believe men can be falsely accused of rape.

If a man says he has been falsely accused of rape, I believe him.

If a woman says she has been falsely accused of rape, I believe her.

I believe lying about being a victim of rape is a terrible thing to do and should be a offense of the law.

I believe raping someone is a terrible thing to do and all offenders should be prosecuted.

I believe women who just leave their babies with their dads and abandon them and refuse to pay child support is a dead beat mother. I had that thought about the mother in I Am Sam when she just walked off after leaving the hospital so Sam was left to take care of Lucy all by himself with some help from his neighbor.

I think oopsing a woman is terrible

I think oopsing a guy is terrible

I think a guy has every right to decide if he wants the baby and the woman doesn’t. Don’t have sex if you don’t want a baby.

I think the woman has every right to decide if she wants the baby and the guy doesn’t. don’t have sex if you don’t want a baby.

I believe guys who abandon their babies with their mother and not pay child support is a dead beat father

I believe both men and women can be pigs

I believe not all men and women fit the gender stereotypes

I believe men can be stay at home dads or single

I believe women can make a higher income than the man

I believe women can do men work (surgeon, EMT or paramedic, doctor, construction worker, auto mechanic, any job that is gender stereotyped for men)

I believe men can do women work (nursing, teaching, day care worker, social worker, any job that is gender stereotype for women)

I believe men can read parenting books and magazine and be in the online parenting communities, after all they are parents too

I think all men restrooms should have a changing table, after all they do take their kids out alone and small children still will need their diapers changed

I believe men are entitled to being childish as women and liking cute things and it should be acceptable in both genders


So have I taken The Red Pill? I have equal thoughts about both parties. I try to avoid gender stereotypes and discrimination. I believe in equal. To me it doesn’t matter if one is a man or woman, it changes nothing for me. They are just a person. Could they be lying? Sure but that is true for both genders. The sexism and double standards need to stop. I don’t like to deny things about what happens in life and what can.


Getting knocked out

Saturday, February 6th, 2016

For the past three days I have been getting knocked out because I always feel real sleepy all of a sudden when it’s night time and few times I have almost fallen asleep in my car and I keep my eyes open and keep myself awake than dozing out and the other night my head started to feel funny and then my arm and my eyes were open but it was like I was not there and my brain felt funny like a fuzz and I was almost home luckily. Now I have an excuse to not drive to work and have a new excuse to not take my husband anywhere if he waits until two in the afternoon to tell me because it would be too late by then and I am not going to risk myself on the road when I come home because what if I get knocked out or zone out for a moment because my body got tired all of a sudden like I had been given a anesthetic. I am still watching Coroline because whenever I am in bed watching something on TV, I all of a sudden feel knocked out like my body wants to sleep so I turn everything off and go to sleep but yet my brain doesn’t want to sleep but the rest of me does and my whole body feels funny like I have been given a anesthetic. My mom thinks this is due to me staying up late with my interests and now my body is finally catching up on sleep. Luckily both kids were sleeping last night and I kept my door open for in case my daughter woke up. But yet no matter how early I go to bed, I end up waking up in the middle of the night being up for good because I can’t go back to sleep. Last time I woke up at three in the morning and this time it was four am. It’s like my body does not want to sleep long.